Official name: Sweet Woodruff Latin name: Galium odoratum, Asperula odorata L English name: Sweet Woodruff Other names: Sweet Woodruff, fragrant “lazarkinia:, Forest king Description: Sweet Woodruff is a perennial herbaceous plant from the Rubiaceae family w...
Official name: Betony Latin name(s): Betonica officinalis, Stachys officinalis, Herba Betonicae German: Rote Betonie, Gemeiner Ziest Other names: common hedgenettle, betony, purple betony, wood betony, bishopwort or bishop’s wort Description: Betonica offici...
Milk Vetch is a perennial plant of the Astragalus Glycyphyllus L. family. The root is vertical, penetrating deep into the soil. The stem is bare or almost naked. Leaves are non-hippoptera, with foliage. The flowers are up to 12 mm long, collected in grapes. The whole plant has a characteri...
Official name: Shepherd’s Purse Latin name: Capsella bursa pastoris L. Other names: Shepherd's Pouch, Mother's Heart, St. James Weed Description: Shepherd’s purse is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant of the Cruciferous (Crucifarae) family. In Bulgaria, it can be fo...
Official name: Centaury Latin name: Centaurium Erythraea L. Other names: red gall, bitter gourd, grandmother's licorice, grandmother Description: Centaury - an annual or biennial herbaceous plant of the Cruciferae family. It is found all over Bulgaria in meadows and ...
Greater Celandine is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Papaveraceae family. The rootstock is multi-colored, brownish outside, yellow on the inside, slightly branched. The stem is leaning or erect, at its upper part branched, usually barely 80 cm high. The leaves are soft, uneven and cut. The ...
Official name: Fire Pit Latin name: Chenopodium botrys L. Other names: goosefoot Description: Fire Pit is an annual herbaceous plant of the Chenopodiaceae family. In Bulgaria it is found in sandy, grassy, stony and dry places with up to 900m above sea level. Its stem is fibrous, up to 60 cm...
Wild succory (chicory) is a two-year or perennial herbaceous plant of the Compositae family. The root is a fleshy, cylindrical-spindle. The stem is tough, upright, bare, up to 1 m high, slightly branched, covered, and short-lipped. All parts of the plant contain milk juice. Blooms from J...
Official name: Chickweed Latin name: Stellaria media L. Other names: Middle star, Star, “Mishakinya”, Bird grass Description: Chickweed is an annual (or biennial) herbaceous plant of the Caryophyllaceae family. It grows throughout the country in moist grassy ...
Old man's beard is a perennial of the Ranunculaceae family, a highly branched, bumpy and climbing plant with wood, 5 or more centimeters thick and up to 30 m long. The leaves are large, opposite, with long handles, with 3 or 5 ovate leaves. The plant is captured using the leaf stems. T...