Common name: Aronia
Latin name: Aronia Melanocarpa L.
Other names: black chokeberry
Description: Aronia is a perennial shrub (or tree) of the Rosaceae family with a shallow root system and a height of 1.5 to 3 m. It spreads by root shoots. In the first 3-4 years, the young bushes are compact, and then they reach 2 m. in diameter. The leaves are glabrous on the underside, with glands at the end of the leaf teeth, no more than 6 cm. wide. The flowers are white or pink, up to 1.5 cm. wide, with glabrous sepals, bisexual, self-fertilizing, collected in thyroid inflorescences. Aronia begins to bear fruit in the second year after planting, and full fruiting occurs in the 4th year. Its fruit buds are mixed. The fruits are small blue-black berries with a size of 6 to 9 mm. The medicinal plant blooms in April and May, and the fruits ripen in August.
Part of the herb used: the fruit (Fructus Aronia Melanocarpa)
Harvest time: Aronia fruits are harvested in August after ripening. During harvesting, the fruits, which are subject to drying, are torn off together with the shields, without injuring the branches.
Chemical composition/Content and properties: Aronia includes in its composition organic acids (malic, folic, etc.), pectin, natural sugars (fructose, glucose, sucrose), tannins, fiber, niacin, flavonoids, thiamine, flavonols, catechins and anthocyanins, sorbitol, beta carotene, rutin, amygdalin, coumarins, cyanidin and other chemical compounds. Aronia fruits are rich in vit. C, vit. A, vit. R, vit. E, vit. K, vit. B3, B1, B2, B6, B9 and therefore it is often called a vitamin bomb. In addition, it also contains very useful trace elements for health, such as potassium, iron, manganese, calcium, boron, magnesium, iodine and phosphorus.
Medicinal effect and application: The huge number of biologically active substances that aronia contains make it extremely valuable for human health. Thanks to the vitamin P contained in it, the plant contributes to the strengthening of the capillary walls and slows down the development of atherosclerosis. Fresh black chokeberry juice helps normalizing high blood pressure. It is a strong natural antioxidant and immunostimulant, has a hydrating and strengthening effect on the body, stimulates the appetite. Due to the high content of iodine, aronia helps with diseases of the endocrine system and the thyroid gland.
Possibilities to offer at the customer's request:
Vesselino Ltd. offers their customers the plant in the following varieties:
• Aronia fruit (Fructus Aronia Melanocarpa) - dried whole or cut to size as desired by the customer, ground into powder/flour
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