Black Mulberry, Morrus nigra L.

Common Name: Mulberry

Latin name: Morus Nigra L.

Other names: mulberry, bagpipe, drumstick, pensioner's breakfast, “duduli”, “morenki”

Description: Black mulberry is a tree up to 20m tall. from the Chernichevi family (Moraceae). Dozens of mulberry varieties are known, but the most common are the white (Morus alba) and the black mulberry (Morus nigra). The trees are always low, in rare cases they reach 10-15 m. The fruit is 2-3 centimeters in size, juicy and sweet. The bark of the black mulberry is gray-black, cracked, with rusty flakes. The leaves are green, circularly rounded, ovate, with deeply cut lobes, coarsely toothed, leathery and rough, dark green. The leaves of the black mulberry are larger, shinier and have rougher hairs than those of the white mulberry. Younger leaves are collected for medicinal purposes.

Used part of the plant: leaf (Folia Morus nigra), fruit (Fructus Morus nigra)

Collecting time: The fruits are harvested after they became mature in June-August. For medicinal purposes, the younger leaves are collected during blooming in April, May and throughout the summer.

Content and properties: Black mulberry fruits contain a large amount of vitamin C and iron, have tonic, antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. They are low in calories, rich in the rare antioxidant anthocyanin, which has a vasoprotective effect. Organic acids - malic, citric and phosphoric, as well as various vitamins - A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9, C, E, K are found in the mulberry. In smaller quantities is the content of minerals - calcium, potassium, magnesium, copper, zinc, iron, manganese, seleniumphosphorus. 100 g of raw mulberries contain 44% of the required daily dose of vitamin C and 14% of the daily dose of iron. The list contains between 18-25% protein.

Healing action and application: The fruits are used in cooking, to make molasses, juices and wines, and the leaves in phytotherapy, as well as forage and food for the silk butterfly. The leaves are used to boost immunity. Mulberry leaf extract helps with severe colds, coughs, red eyes, insect bites and wounds. Mulberry anthocyanins have been shown to increase capillary strength and elasticity, have a cardioprotective effect and inhibit platelet aggregation. Vitamins with antioxidant action - A, C and E help to maintain the good condition and renewal of cells, and also to prevent the formation of tumors. The medicinal composition of the fruit helps with ulcers, sore throats, toothaches, diabetes, kidney failure, improves the formation of canker sores, gingivitis, strengthens the protective forces of the eye nerves, reduces high blood sugar and high cholesterol, soothes pain and inflamed gums.

Opportunities for offering upon specific request of the client:

Vesselino Ltd.offers their customers the plant in the following varieties:

  • Dried leaves (Folia Morus nigra) - crushed, cut in particular sizes according to the customer's requirements, in powdering form/flour.
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