
Official name: Common chicory 

Latin name: Cichorium intybus L. 

Description: Blue gall (chicory) is a biennial or perennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae (also known as Compositae) family. The root is succulent, cylindrical-spindle-shaped. The stem is tough, straight, bare, up to 1 meter high, slightly branched above, ridged, covered with short stiff hairs. The basal leaves of the plant are collected in a rosette. All parts of the plant contain a milky juice that contains bitter substances. Blooms from June to October with saturated blue flowers. 

In Bulgaria, this plant is found in a wild state in dry grassy places, by roads, ditches, fields, meadows throughout the country. Roots from a cultivated plant (root chicory) are preferred, which are fleshier and larger and are grown as a biennial plant. Cultivated chicory likes a moderately humid climate and deep soils. It is propagated by seeds, which are sown in mid-April in rows 30 cm apart and about 1 cm deep. 

Part of the herb used: Roots (rhizome) and aerial part/sprig (Radix et Herba Cichorii) 

Collection period: The aerial part (sprig, Herba Cichorii) is picked up in July and August during the flowering period. The roots (rhizome, Radix Cichorii) are dig up in the autumn, usually in October. The gathered material is dried in ventilated rooms, without direct sunlight at a temperature of up to 40 degrees. 

Content: All parts of the Common chicory are medicinal. The root contains inulin (40-60%), organic acids, fructose, glycoside, carotene, tannins, B vitamins, protein substances, vitamin C, pectin, resins, macro and microelements such as Na, K, Ca, Mg, P, Fe, etc. The aerial part/sprig of the medicinal plant contains inulin, potassium, chicory and folic acid. The flowers contain coumarin glycoside chicorin and glucose. 

Healing effect and properties:  Inulin improves metabolism and has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. In addition, it works for the better absorption of calcium in the body. Chicory enhances appetite, peristalsis, gastrointestinal and biliary secretion, regulates the stools and has a hypoglycemic effect. Drugs and preparations from the herb have a beneficial effect on acute and chronic gastritis, angina and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and calm the nervous system. The root, roasted and ground, is used as the main ingredient of the “Inca” drink (mainly known in Poland), which is used as a substitute for coffee. 

Possible to offer upon customer's request: 

Vesselino Ltd. offers the plant in the following varieties: 

  • Aerial part/sprig (Herba Cichorii) – whole dried, crushed, cut to specific size as per customer request, ground into powder/flour. 

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