Concretes are a wax-like mass and are mostly used as an ingredient in cosmetics and for the production of absolutes, which are an alternative in terms of aromatic properties to the essential oil.
Tpes of Concretes
The listed concretes specified by our clients could be produced on an order basis.

Botanical name: Rose Damascena auct. Non-Miller
English name: Rose Damascena
Harvesting season (by months): 5-6
The rose concrete is a wax-like soft substance with an orange-red color and a distinctive rose aroma. The product is made from fresh, non-faded flowers of the rose using the non-polar solvent extraction method. The solvent (typically hexane) is removed completely after the extraction. The flower concrete is used to obtain flower rose Damascena absolute. To produce 1 kg of rose concrete, about 350 to 400 kg of rose flower is needed. The rose concrete has a very diverse and rich composition - over 166 components, of which 30 are hydrocarbons. Contains all the components of the rose oil, with phenyl ethyl alcohol predominating - about 70%. In small quantities, rose concrete is also used in cosmetics and perfumery. It has a softening, anti-inflammatory, and rejuvenating action.

Botanical name: Lavandula Angustifolia
English name: Lavender
Harvesting season (by months): 6-8
The Lavender Concrete is a yellow-green to green-brown wax-like mass that holds more than 65% absolute. It is extracted from fresh, non-faded lavender flowers. The Bulgarian lavender-specific aroma and quality is one of the best in the world. It is mainly used for the production of lavender absolute.

Botanical name: Salvia Sclarea
English name: Clary Sage
Bulgarian name: Salvia Sclarea, Muscat salvia, Bear's heel
Harvest month: 7-8
Product description: Clary sage concrete is a gray-greenish wax-like mass with a specific pronounced balsamic-amber aroma. The main component of the Salvia Sclarea concrete is sclareol - diterpenol. The structure of diterpenols is very similar to that of human hormones. They have a beneficial effect on the hormonal system by balancing it.
Salvia Sclarea concrete is a concentrated product obtained by extracting fresh raw materials with hexane, which helps to preserve the active ingredients of the plant such as flavonoids, essential oils and the antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of the plant. The highest concentration of beneficial substances is found in the two-year-old plants, collected before the flowers dissolve. Due to its healing and aromatic properties, Salvia Sclarea is used in aromatherapy, medicine, perfumery and cosmetics. Clary sage concrete is also used to extract the residual amount of essential oil.
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