Used part of the plants: herbs, aerial parts of herbs with Bulgarian origin
Latin name: Achillea millefolium
English name: Yarrow (milfoil)
German name: Gemeine Schafgarbe
Monts of Gathering: 5-7
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Latin name: Agrimonia eupatoria
English name: Common Agrimony
German name: Gemeiner Odermennig
Monts of Gathering: 5-7
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Latin name: Alchemilla vulgaris complex
English name: Lady’s mantle
German name: Gewöhnlicher Frauenmantel
Monts of Gathering: 6-7
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Latin name: Apium graveolens
English name: Wild Celery
German name: Sellerie
Monts of Gathering: 5-7
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Latin name: Artemisia Annua
English name: Artemisia Annua
German name:
Monts of Gathering: 5-8
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Latin name: Artemisia absinthium
English name: Wormwood
German name: Wermut
Monts of Gathering: 5-8
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Latin name: Artemisia vulgaris
English name: Mugwort
German name: Gemeiner Beifuss
Monts of Gathering: 5-7
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Latin name: Asperula odorata
English name: Sweet Woodruff
German name: Waldmeister
Monts of Gathering: 4-6
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Latin name: Astragalus glycyphyllos
English name: Milk Vetch
German name: Rote Betonie (Gemeiner Ziest)
Monts of Gathering: 7-8
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Latin name: Betonica officinalis
English name: Betony
German name: Rote Betonie (Gemeiner Ziest)
Monts of Gathering: 3-7,9-11
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Latin name: Capsella bursa pastoris (L.) Medic.
English name: Shepherd’s Purse
German name: Echter Hirtentäschel
Monts of Gathering: 4-5
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Latin name: Erythraea Centaurium
English name: Common centaury
German name: Tausendgüldenkraut
Monts of Gathering: 5-7
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Latin name: Chelidonium majus
English name: Greater Celandine
German name: Shöllkraut (Warzenkraut)
Monts of Gathering: 5-8
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Latin name: Chenopodium botrys
English name: Ambros
German name: Klebriger Gänsefuss
Monts of Gathering: 5-6
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Latin name: Cichorium intybus
English name: Chicory (wild succory)
German name: Zichorie (Wegwart)
Monts of Gathering: 5-8
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Latin name: Stellaria media
English name: Chickweed
German name:Vogelmie, Huhnerdarm
Monts of Gathering: 6-8
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Latin name: Euphrasia officinalis complex (Euphrasia rostkoviana Hayne)
English name: Eyebright (euphrasy)
German name: Echter Augentrost
Monts of Gathering: 5-8
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Latin name: Fumaria officinalis
English name: Common fumitory
German name: Gebrauchlicher Erdrauch
Monts of Gathering: 5-8
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Latin name: Galega officinalis
English name:
Goat’s rue (French lilac)
German name: Gabräuchliche Geissaute
Monts of Gathering: 6-7
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Latin name: Galium aparine
English name: Cleavers (Goosegrass)
German name: Kletten-Labkraut (Klebkraut)
Monts of Gathering: 5-7
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Latin name: Galium verum
English name: Lady’s bedstraw
German name: Echter Labkraut
Monts of Gathering: 5-7
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Latin name: Geranium macrorrhizum
English name: Common geranium
German name: Felsenstorchschnabel
Monts of Gathering: 4-8
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Latin name: Herniaria glabra
English name: Glabrouse ruptur-wort (herniary)
German name: Kahles Bruchkraut
Monts of Gathering: 6-8
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Latin name: Hieracium pilosella
English name: Mouse-ear hawkweed
German name: Kleines Habichtskraut (Mausohr)
Monts of Gathering: 5-7
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Latin name: Hypericum perforatum
English name:
Common St. John’s wort
German name: Echtes Johanniskraut
Monts of Gathering: 5-7
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Latin name: Hyssopus officinalis
English name: Hysop
German name: Isop
Monts of Gathering: 7-8
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Latin name: Leonurus cardiaca
English name: Motherwort
German name: Herzgespann (Löwenschwanz)
Monts of Gathering: 5-7
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Latin name: Thymus sp. diversa
English name: Wild Thyme
German name:
Monts of Gathering: 6-9
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Latin name: Marrubium vulgare
English name: White Horehound
German name: Gemeine - Andorn
Monts of Gathering: 5-7
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Latin name: Melilotus officinalis L. Pall.
English name: Yellow Sweetclover
German name: Echter Steinklee
Monts of Gathering: 6-8
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Latin name: Мelissa officinalis
English name: Lemon balm
German name: Zitronen Melisse
Monts of Gathering: 5-8
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Latin name: Poligonum aviculare
English name: Common Knotgrass
German name: Vogel-Knöterich
Monts of Gathering: 6-9
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Latin name: Origanum vulgare L.
English name: Red oregano
German name: Wilder dost, Wilder majoran
Monts of Gathering: 6-8
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Latin name: Satureja hortensis L.
English name: Summer Savory
German name: Garten Bohnen-kraut
Monts of Gathering: 6-9
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Latin name: Sideritis Scardica
English name: Mursalski tea/ Greek mountain tea
German name: Mursal Tee
Monts of Gathering: 7-8-9
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Latin name: Tribulus terrestris
English name: Tribulus Terrestris
German name: Tribulus terrestris
Monts of Gathering: 7-9
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Latin name: Clematis vitalba
English name: Old-mans-beard
German name: Gemeinewaldrebe (Bergrebe)
Monts of Gathering: 5-7
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Latin name: Convolvulus arvensis
English name:
Bindweed (cornbine)
German name: Ackerwinde
Monts of Gathering: 5-6
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Latin name: Equisetum arvense
English name: Common horsetail
German name: Ackerschachtelhalm (Zinnkraut)
Monts of Gathering: 5-8
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Latin name: Eryngium campestre
English name: Sea holly
German name: Feld-Manustreu
Monts of Gathering: 6-8
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Latin name: Viola Tricolor
English name: Heartsease
German name: Steifmutterchen
Monts of Gathering: 4-7
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* Any request (inquiry) must be placed with us not later than one month before the beginning of the gathering period of herbs, specified in column QUANTITY.
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