Latin name: Achillea millefolium
English name: Yartow (milfoil)
German name: Gemeine SchafgarbeBärenlauch
Monts of Gathering: 4-5
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Latin name: Calendula officinalis
English name: Pot marigold
German name: Garten Ringelblume
Monts of Gathering: 5-8
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Latin name: Centaurea cyanus
English name: Cornflower (Bachelor’ buttons)
German name: Kornblume
Monts of Gathering: 5-8
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Latin name: Chamaemelum nobile, Anthemis nobilis
English name: Roman Chamomile
German name: Römische Kamille
Monts of Gathering: 6-8
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 Rausch (Marticaria recutita L.).jpg)
Latin name: Chamomilla recutita Rausch (Marticaria recutita)
English name: Wilde chamomile
German name: Echte Kamille
Monts of Gathering: 4-6
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Latin name: Crataegus Laevigatus
English name: Hawthorn
German name: Weissdorn
Monts of Gathering: 5-6
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Latin name: Filipendula vulg.
English name: Dropwort
German name: Maedesueb
Monts of Gathering: 4-7
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Latin name: Humulus lupulus
English name: Common hobs
German name: Hopfen
Monts of Gathering: 8
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Latin name: Lavandula angustifolia Mill.(Lavandula vera DC)
English name: LavŠµnder
German name: Echter lavandel
Monts of Gathering: 6-8
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Latin name: Malva sylvestris
English name: Forest mallow
German name: Wilde Malve
Monts of Gathering: 7-8
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Latin name: Primula officinalis Hill. (Primula veris var.officinalis)
English name: Cowslip (paigle, primrose)
German name: Echter Schlüsselblume (Primel)
Monts of Gathering: 4-6, 9-10
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Latin name: Sambucus nigra
English name: Black elder
German name: Schwarzer Holunder
Monts of Gathering: 4-5
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Latin name: Tagetes erecta
English name: Aztec Marigold
German name: Studentenblume, Sammetblume
Monts of Gathering: 5-8
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Latin name: Tanacetum vulgare
English name: Tanacetum/ Tansy
German name: Rainfarn
Monts of Gathering: 5-8
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Latin name: Verbascum nobile Vel. et Verbascum pseudonobile Stoj. et Stef.
English name: Mullein
German name: Königskerze
Monts of Gathering: 6-8
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Latin name: Rosa Alba
English name: Rosa Alba
German name: Weisse rose
Monts of Gathering: 5-6
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Latin name: Helianthus annuus
English name: Common sunflower
German name: Gemeine Sonnenblume
Monts of Gathering: 6-7
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Latin name: Tilia Tomentosa
English name: Silver linden
German name: Silberlinde
Monts of Gathering: 6-7
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Latin name: Rosa Damascena
English name: Rosa Damascena
German name: Rosenbluetenblaetter Pink
Monts of Gathering: 5-6
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Latin name: Tilia cordata
English name: Small-leaved linden
German name: Steinlinde, Blüte
Monts of Gathering: 5-6
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* Any request (inquiry) must be placed with us not later than one month before the beginning of the gathering period, specified in column QUANTITY.
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