HERBS Fruits | Vesselino LTD, international Suplier, Exporter and Trader slotasiabet
Latin name: Aesculus hippocastanum
English name: Horse-chestnut
German name: Gemeine Rosskastanie
Monts of Gathering: 8-9
Check stock

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Latin name: Anethum graveolens
English name: Common dill
German name: Gartendill (Dill)
Monts of Gathering: 7-8
Check stock

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Latin name: Carum carvi 
English name: Caraway
German name: Echter Kümmel
Monts of Gathering: 7-8
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Latin name: Cornus mas 
English name: Cornelian Cherry
German name: Kornelkirsche
Monts of Gathering: 7-9
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Latin name: Coriandrum sativum
English name: Coriander
German name: Koriander
Monts of Gathering: 7-8
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Latin name: Juniperus communis
English name: Common Juniper
German name: Gemeiner Wacholder
Monts of Gathering: 8-11
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Latin name: Grataegus Laevigatus
English name: Hawthorn
German name: Weissdorn
Monts of Gathering: 8-10
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Latin name: Foeniculum vulgare Mill. (Foeniculum officinale)
English name: Fennel
German name: Fenchel
Monts of Gathering7-8
Check stock

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Latin name: Paliurus spina-christii
English name: Christ’s thorn
German name: Christusdorn
Monts of Gathering: 7-9
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Latin name: Sorbus aucuparia 
English name: Rowan mountain ash
German name: Vogelbeere (Eberesche)
Monts of Gathering: 7-9
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Latin name: Prunus spinosa 
English name: Blackhorn (Sloe)
German name: Schwarzdorn (Schleche)
Monts of Gathering: 7-8
Check stock

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Latin name: Rosa canina 
English name: Rosehip
German name:   Hunds-Rose
Monts of Gathering: 8-11
Check stock

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Latin nameSambucus nigra 
English name: Elder
German name: Schwarzer Holunder
Monts of Gathering: 6-8
Check stock
Latin name: Sambucus ebulus 
English name: Danewort (dwarf-elder)
German name: Zwerg-Holunder (Attich)
Monts of Gathering: 6-8
Check stock

Latin name: Aronia Melanocarpa(Photinia melanocarpa)
English name: Black Chokeberry
German name: Scwarze Apfelbeere
Monts of Gathering: 8-9
Check stock

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* Any request (inquiry) must be placed with us not later than one month before the beginning of the gathering period, specified in column QUANTITY.

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