The roots is that part of the plant that grows under the ground. Its primary function is to absorb nutrients, water, minerals and salts from the soil, which is necessary for the plant's growth. The roots are also responsible for the steady attachment of the plant to the ground and soil. Some herbal plants contain the highest percentage of beneficial ingredients in their rootlets.
The roots, tubers and bulbs of medicinal plants are removed in fall, when their seeds have already fallen, unlike the leaves and flowers of herbs, which are usually harvested in spring and summer. In order not to destroy the medicinal plants, it is necessary to collect the rhizomes carefully and responsibly. Medicinal plant roots are dried and stored in suitable premises, just like other dried herbs.
"Vesselino" Ltd. offers its customers medicinal plant roots in the following varieties: whole roots, packed in bags and bales; cut roots of a size suitable for extraction; crushed and grounded roots - for use in capsules.

Latin name: Althaea off. Mundatae Althaea off naturalis
English name: Marshmallow
German name: Eibisch samtpappe Echter Eibisch
Monts of Gathering: 9-10
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Latin name: Angelica silvestris
English name: Wild Angelica
German name: Wilde Angelika
Monts of Gathering: 9-10
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Latin name: Veratrum lobelianum Bernh.
English name: False hellebore
German name: Germer
Monts of Gathering: 3-4,9-10
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Latin name: Valeriana officinalis
English name: Valerian
German name: Arznei-Baldrian
Monts of Gathering: 3,9-11
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Latin name: Arctium lappa L.
English name: Great burdock
German name: Grosse Klette
Monts of Gathering: 3-4,9-11
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Latin name: Cichorium intybus
English name: Chicory (wild succory)
German name: Zichorie (Wegwart)
Monts of Gathering: 10.11
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Latin name: Cynodon dactylon Pers.
English name: Bemuda-grass.
German name: Hundszahn
Monts of Gathering: 3-4
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Latin name: Dryopteris filix-mas schot
English name: Male Fern
German name: Gewönlicher Wurmfarne
Monts of Gathering: 3-4,9-10
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Latin name: Geranium macrorrhizum
English name: Bloody Cranesbill
German name: Blut-Storchschnabel
Monts of Gathering: 9-11
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Latin name: Geranium sanguineum
English name: Bloody Cranesbill
German name: Blut-Storchschnabel
Monts of Gathering: 9-11
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Latin name: Geum urbanum
English name: Herb Bennet.
German name: Nelkenwurz
Monts of Gathering: 9-10
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Latin name: Helleborus odorus Waldst. et Kit.
English name: Hellebore (gold thread).
German name: Rotte Wieswurz (Wieswurz)
Monts of Gathering: 3-4
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Latin name: Urtica dioica
English name: Nettle
German name: Grosse Brennessell
Monts of Gathering: 3-10
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Latin name: Inula helenium
English name: Elecampane
German name: Echter Alant
Monts of Gathering: 9-11
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Latin name: Levisticum officinale
English name: Lovage
German name:
Monts of Gathering: 2-3
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Latin name: Ononis spinosa
English name: Common Restharrow
German name: Dornige Hauhechel
Monts of Gathering: 3-4,9-11
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Latin name: Petasites hybridus P. Gaertner (Petasites officinalis Moench)
English name: Butterbur
German name: Gewöhnliche Pestwurz
Monts of Gathering: 9-11
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Latin name: Pimpinella saxifraga
English name: Burnet saxifrage
German name: Kleine Bibernelle
Monts of Gathering: 9-10
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Latin name: Poligonum bistorta
English name: Bistort
German name: Wisenknoeterich
Monts of Gathering: 8-10
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 Räuschel (Potentilla tormentilla Neck.).jpg)
Latin name: Potentilla erecta Räuschel (Potentilla tormentilla Neck.)
English name: Common tormentil
German name: Blutwurz
Monts of Gathering: 9-10
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Latin name: Rumex Parientia L.
English name: Monk’s Rhubarb
German name: Mönchsrhabarber
Monts of Gathering: 4-5,9-11
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Latin name: Symphitum officinale L.
English name: Comfrey
German name: Gemeiner Beinwell
Monts of Gathering: 9-11
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Latin name: Saponaria officinalis
English name: Soapwort.
German name: Gemeines-Seifenkraut
Monts of Gathering: 9-10
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Latin name: Taraxacum officinale
English name: Common dandelion.
German name: Wiesen Löwenzahn
Monts of Gathering: 3-4,9-11
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* Any request (inquiry) must be placed with us not later than one month before the beginning of the gathering period, specified in column QUANTITY.