Common name: Dropwort Latin name: Filipendula vulgaris Description: The Dropwort is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Rosaceae family. In Bulgaria, it is found in moist meadows, along mountain springs, streams, bogs, etc. up to 1500 m. above sea level. The rhizome is creeping with many...
Wild Angelica is a two-year old, perennial herbaceous plant of the Umbelliferae family. The rhizome is juicy, reversed with numerous roots, with milk juice. the dirt is up to 2m. high and branched. The ground leaves are up to 50 cm long. The foliage is large, on the edges jagged. The flowers ar...
Common name: Marsh-Mallow Latin name: Althaea officinalis L. Description: The Marsh-Mallow is a medicinal herbaceous perennial gray-fiber plant, with a straight hollow stem, reaching 2 m. The rhizome is thick, short, with whitish roots up to 50 sm long. Its leaves are slightly c...
Great burdock is a two-year or perennial herbaceous plant of the Compositae family. The root is thick, soft, spindly and slightly branched. Stem is up to 2m high. woolly hair. The leaves are large, endless, followed by rare hairs, gray hair underneath. The colorful red-eyed, large, ball-shape...
Official name: Common chicory Latin name: Cichorium intybus L. Description: Blue gall (chicory) is a biennial or perennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae (also known as Compositae) family. The root is succulent, cylindrical-spindle-shaped. The stem is tough, straight, bare, up ...
The Bemuda-grass is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Gramineae family. The rhizome is creeping, with long highly developed ground and underground shoots. The stems are basically branched upwards, reaching up to 50 cm long, densely lined. The leaves are thinly tapered, with a very stiff brush. It ...
Male fern is a very long spore plant of the family Polypodiaceae. The rootstock is flat, 25 cm long, thick, black-brown outside, with many thin roots. From the forefoot young part of the leaves go out of the leaves, and the back old part gradually disappears. No overhead stem. The leaves are up...
Common name: Common geranium Latin name: Geranium macrorrhizum L. Description: Common geranium is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Geraniaceae family with a horizontal shallow rhizome covered with brownish scales. The plant grows in gardens, forest glades, grassy places and i...
Common name: Bloody Cranesbill Latin name: Geranium Sanguineum Description: Bloody Cranesbill is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Geraniaceae family with a highly developed rhizome and a densely hairy stem branching from the base. It grows all over Bulgaria in dry, grassy, st...
Geum urbanum / Herb Bennet is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Rosaceae family. The rhizome is quite well-developed, conical, usually multi-colored, dark red with many births. The stem is thin, upright, facial, slightly branched up to 1m. The upper part of the leaves is larger. The stem leaves ar...