Herbs Seeds | Vesselino LTD, international Suplier, Exporter and Trader slotasiabet
Latin name: Brassica nigra C. Koch (Sinapis nigra)
English name: Black Mustard
German name: Schwarzer Senf
Monts of Gathering: 5-7
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Latin name: Foeniculum vulgare 
English name: Fennel 
German name: Echter fenchel
Monts of Gathering: 5-9
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Latin name: Silybum marianum Gaerth. (Carduus marianus)
English name: Milk Thistle
German name: Gewöhnliche Eselssbistel
Monts of Gathering: 7-8
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Latin name: Sinapis alba
English name: Yellow mustard
German name: Weisser Sent
Monts of Gathering: 6-7
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Latin name: Coriandrum sativum
English name: Coriander
German name: Koriander
Monts of Gathering: 7-8
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Latin name: Ceratonia siliqua
English name: Carob
German name: Johannisbrot
Monts of Gathering: 9-10

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Latin name: Lini semen
English name: Flax /Linseed
German name: Leinsamen
Monts of Gathering: 

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Latin name: Phalaris canariensis
English name: Canary grass/seed
German name: 
Monts of Gathering: 5-8
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