Latin name: Allium ursinum 
English name: Ramsons
German name: Bärenlauch
Monts of Gathering: 4-5
Check stock

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Latin name: Althaea officinalis
English name: Marshmalot
German name: Echter Eibisch
Monts of Gathering: 9-10
Check stock

Information  Sent request 
Latin name: Arctostaphyllos uva-ursi (Spreng) 
English name: Bearberry
German name: Gemeine Bärentraube
Monts of Gathering: 6-8
Check stock
Information  |   Sent request 
Latin name: Betula pendula Roth.
English name: Silver birch
German name: Hänge-Birke
Monts of Gathering4-6
Check stock
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Latin name: Corylus avellana 
English name: European Hazel(cobnut)
German name: Hagelnuss
Monts of Gathering: 5-7
Check stock

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Latin name: Cotinus coggygria Scop. (Rhus cotinus)
English name: Smoke tree
German name:         Perückenstrauch
Monts of Gathering: 5-7
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Latin name: Fragaria vesca complex
English name: Wild strawberry
German name: Wald Erdbeere
Monts of Gathering: 5-7
Check stock

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Latin name: Hedera helix 
English name: Ivy
German name: Efen
Monts of Gathering: 5-8
Check stock

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Latin name: Juglans regia 
English name: Walnut
German name: Echter Walnubaum
Monts of Gathering: 5-7
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Latin name: Malva sylvestris 
English name: Common Mallow
German name: Wilde Malve
Monts of Gathering5-9
Check stock

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Latin name: Melissa officinalis 
English name: Lemon balm
German name: Zitronen Melisse
Monts of Gathering: 5-8
Check stock

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Latin name: Mentha piperita 
English name: Peppermint
German name: Pfefferminze
Monts of Gathering: 5-8
Check stock

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Latin name: Morus nigra
English name: Black Mulberry
German name: Schwarzer Maulbeere
Monts of Gathering: 5-8
Check stock

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Latin name: Ocimum basilicum  Genovese
English name: Basil
German name: Basilikum
Monts of Gathering: 5-9
Check stock

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Latin name: Plantago lanceolata L.
English name: Wibwort (buckhorn)
German name: Spitzwegerich
Monts of Gathering:  5-6
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Latin name: Plantago major 
English name: Great plantain (common plantain)
German name: Breitwegeric (Grosserwegerich)
Monts of Gathering: 5-6
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Latin name: Pulmonaria officinalis L
English name: Lung-wort
German name: Echtes Lungenkraut
Monts of Gathering: 4-6
Check stock

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Latin name: Rubus idaeus L
English name: Rasberry (red raspberry)
German name: Himbeere
Monts of Gathering: 5-8
Check stock

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Latin name: Rubus Fruticosus 
English name: Blackberry (bramble)
German name: Brombeer (Hirschbeer)
Monts of Gathering: 5-8
Check stock

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Latin name: Salvia off. Subs dalmatic
English name: Salvia
German name: Gartensalbei
Monts of Gathering: 5-8
Check stock

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Latin name: Symphitum officinale 
English name: Comfrey
German name: Gemeiner Beinwell
Monts of Gathering:  5-8
Check stock

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Latin name: Tussilago farfara L. 
English name: Colsfoot
German name: Gewonlicher Huflattich
Monts of Gathering: 3-10
Check stock

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Latin name: Urtica dioica 
English name: Nettle
German name: Grosse Brennessell
Monts of Gathering: 3-10
Check stock

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Latin name: Nectaroscordum siculum ssp. bulgaricum.
English name: Samardala
German name:           
Monts of Gathering: 3-4
Check stock             

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