Name: Juniper Essential oil
Botanical name: Juniperus Communis
Used part: Fruit/ needles
Oil-bearing part of the plant: the fruit and needles of the plant
Origin: Bulgaria
Organically Certified: Conventional
Appearance: Transparent liquid
Color: Pale yellow
Aroma: Pleasant, balsamic fresh, tart, sweet, woody
Ingredients: indium, camphine, cadinium, terpineol, cinnol, pinene, b-pinene, cabergine, myphene, phellandrine, epiphenes, Ypepinene, 1,4-cntene, boron alkaloids, sucrose and oleic acids, such as lindone, formamide, linoleate, linoleate, bopelone and nopola.
Method of extraction: Steam distillation
Analytical method: Gas chromatograph
Analytical certificate: Available on request
Storage: Store in tightly closed containers at 5 - 15ºC, without direct exposure to sunlight and other heat sources
Use: antiseptic, haemostatic, antirheumatic, antispasmodic, gingival, diuretic, blood cleansing, gastric mucosal stimulating, digestive stimulating, appetite stimulating, sweating, wound healing, tonic, antiviral, bactericidal, soothing skin eczema, detoxifying, normalizing blood sugar level, stimulating menstruation, aphrodisiac, against dandruff.
Indications: In physical and mental fatigue, to relieve nerves in anxiety, insomnia, digestive disorders, skin inflammations such as eczema, wounds, oily skin, acne, ulcers and other skin problems, apathy, flu and rheumatism, toothache, parodonthosis , decreased appetite, constipation, flatulence, cystitis, urethritis, vaginitis, edema, painful menstruation, delay of menstruation, currents, air disinfection.
Contraindicated for: epileptics, hypertensives, nursing mothers, pregnant women and children, as well as individuals with individual juniper intolerance, acute pyelonephritis, chemotherapy of oncological diseases. No procedure before sleep is recommended. It is not desirable to use the oil in conjunction with alcohol consumption.
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