Urtica folia
Common name: Nettle
Latin name: Urtica dioica L.
Description: Nettle (Urtica dioica L.) is a perennial herbaceous medicinal plant of the Urticaceae family, genus Angiosperms. It is widespread throughout Bulgaria as a weed along roads, rivers, forests and meadows. The plant has a creeping long branched rhizome, erect flowering stems up to 2m. tall, covered with fiery hairs. The leaves (Folia Urticae) are also covered with fiery hairs, opposite, heart-shaped, oval to oblong, coarsely toothed. The flowers are dioecious, unisexual, formed in racemes. The fruit (Fruit Urticae) is a light green ovoid smooth nut. The nettle blooms from May to September.
Part of the herb used: leaves (Folia Urticae), rhizomes (Rhizoma Urticae), herb (Herba Urticae)
Harvest time: The leaves (Folia Urticae) and herbs (Herba Urticae) are harvested from May to October, and the rhizome (Rhizoma Urticae) is collected in early spring (m. March) or in late autumn (m. November) after ripening the seeds.
Chemical composition/Contents and properties: The leaves of the plant (Folia Urticae) contain histamine, vitamins (provitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin C), acetylcholine, flavonoids, organic acids (formic, gallic), serotonin, iron, proteins, essential oil, proteins, tannins, salts (of iron, calcium, potassium, sulphur). The rhizomes contain starch, vegetable fats, salts.
Medicinal action and application: Nettle leaves (Folia Urticae) improve metabolism, have hemostatic, diuretic, anti-allergic, anti-rheumatic, general strengthening effect in anemias, reduce blood sugar thanks to the vitamins, iron salts and other compounds they contain, stimulate the appearance of breast milk. The roots of the medicinal plant (Rhizoma Urticae) contain vegetable fats, tannins, starch, salts (mainly calcium). They inhibit the enlargement of the prostate and are used in the treatment of benign hypertrophy. Due to its blood-stopping properties, nettle is used for nosebleeds, intestinal bleeding, bleeding of the respiratory organs, the digestive tract and uterine postpartum bleeding. Nettle (Urtica dioica L.) is a blood-purifying and blood-forming medicinal plant. In addition to medicine, it is used in cooking and cosmetics.
Possibilities to offer at the customer's request:
Vesselino Ltd. offers their customers the plant in the following varieties:
• leaf (Folia Urticae)
• herb (Herba Urticae)
• rhizoma (Rhizoma Urticae)
• Tops (Short upper part of the herb, along with leaves)
All varieties of nettles are available dried - whole, crushed, cut to a certain size according to the customer's request, ground into herb powder/flour.
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