Thyme Essential oil

Thyme Essential oil


Botanical name: Thymus sp. Diversa (Thyme)

Used part: The overhead part of the plant

Oil-bearing part of the plant: leaves and flowers

Origin: Bulgaria

Organically Certified: Yes

Appearance: Transparent liquid

Color: Amber to pale yellow

Aroma: Light and fresh, typical of the thyme

Ingredients: thymol, carvacrol, camphén, thion, pinen, para-cymene, terpinene, linalool, borneol, tannins, flavonoids, phenols, octenols, terpineol, myrcene, lemon, linalyl acetate, cinnol, camphor

Method of extraction: Steam distillation

Analytical method: Gas chromatograph

Analytical certificate: Available on request

Storage: Store in tightly closed containers at 5 - 15ºC, without direct exposure to sunlight and other heat sources

Benefits: antimicrobial, antibacterial, antioxidant, antispasmodic, anti-parasitic, antifungal, analgesic in pain, attenuating action, enhancing metabolism, rich source of minerals and vitamins, under hormonal imbalance.

Usage: Improves breathing, cold, bronchitis, flu, cough and sinusitis. It is used for gout, eczema, muscle pain, obesity, arthritis and rheumatism. Appropriate for gargling for mouth infections, diluted and used as mouthwash - kills germs and protects teeth from plaque and caries.

One of the most effective essential oils for balancing hormone levels and alleviating menopausal symptoms. It is also used for menstrual problems and a painful cycle.

In Aromatherapy thyme essential oil is used to strengthen the body as a protective agent against diseases, as well as in nervous tension and related headaches and depression.

In cosmetics thyme essential oil is used for the skin to treat acne and very oily skin, cures different types of wounds, relieves burns and is a natural remedy for rashes. It slows down the aging process and makes the skin healthy and shiny. Used for hair loss. It acts favorably on the arteries and veins and has an anti-cellulite effect.

Helps in food and bacterial infections - used to combat resistant bacteria such as escherichia coli and other bacteria. It acts as a natural antibiotic

Thyme essential oil is also used in the treatment of colon and breast cancer. The substance that attacks cancer is called thymol. 

Despite all the listed positive effects of thyme products, it is advisable to say that overdosage with the active ingredient thymol may cause thyroid disorder. Thyme essential  oil is phototoxic - not to be applied to the skin immediately before exposure to the sun.

Contraindicated for: It is not recommended to be used during pregnancy and lactation and by people with high blood pressure! Do not apply oil undiluted to irritated or sensitive skin.

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